Washington, D.C., November 1st, 2007 — Today, Oregon Senators Gordon Smith and Ron Wyden announced Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties will receive a $74,500 federal grant to rehabilitate and repair 12 low income owner-occupied homes located throughout the Northern Coast. “This funding is coming just at the nick of time,” said Smith. “With cold weather on the horizon, these homes will greatly benefit from renovations that will allow families throughout the northern coast to stay warm this winter.” “The federal funding for these housing upgrades will be matched by other sources and nearly doubled,” said Wyden. “More rural Oregon families will spend the winter months in homes properly prepared for the cold.” The Astoria branch of the Community Action Team, Inc. will be awarded the grant. The Community Action Team is a national organization created in the 1960’s under President Johnson. The organization serves communities all over the United States by identifying and meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged. The USDA grant will be matched by other sources of funding; creating over $140,000 to be used to weatherize and make needed repairs to existing homes located in the rural communities of Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia counties. To qualify for renovations, individuals must earn 50 percent of the median county income. The renovations are expected to be completed by November 30th
Contact: Lindsay Jackson
Phone: 202-224-3753